Course Introduction : For many people leadership is a big nebulous word, one that can mean many different things to different people across all cultures.The concept of leadership can even be a little frightening. And there are plenty of leaders who would never describe themselves using that word. They would tell you that they’re just doing what needs to be done.
When it comes to leadership there is no magic formula or single way of doing things.
Every leader is unique, although there are some common threads.
And everyone is a leader so let’s explore the leader in you by having a different learning experience in “The leader in me” Course
Course Objectives :This online course offering learners an experiential learning environment that fosters critical-thinking, through three main axis Knowledge .. skills and attitude
Knowledge As Leadership theories, skills as flexibility of leadership and attitude as leaders and followers relationships
This course is forming of three parts
1- The leader’s mindset
2- Leadership views and Style
3- Situational leadership
6 Hours
32 Lessons