
E-Learning doesn't have to be so lonely journey anymore so let's get social !

The ability to interact with others makes learning so MUCH FUN and bring the ability to learners to collaborate make friends and spread their joy and experience of learning together!

UMAMI Academy platform is the first one in the middle east to apply the principle of social learning style.







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يحتوي الكورس علي كامل منتجات العناية بالبشرة والشعر وكامل المنتحات العلاجية لأمراض البشرة مثل حب الشباب والتصبغات والتجاعيد ومشاكل الشعر مثل تساقط الشعر والقشرة وجفاف وتقصف وهيشان وتلف الشعر

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7 Lessons

Instructors will join us Soon

Aliaa Ahmed

Disabled rights advocate, writer, pharmacist and a full time mother with aptitude for change

May Abd El Aziz

An Egyptian humanitarian singer, seeing life in a different perspective and involved in different volunteering experiences spreading new meanings of love.

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